Oh yeah, the muse is back and how!!

By the way, why did Luthor have Nicole killed off? The poor girl had no intention of saying anything to anyone. She was frightened and just wanted to get out of Dodge! It would be cool if she managed to evade Nigel's goons and appeared later in the story to exact her own revenge against Luthor.

Just a thought? huh

He rinsed his mouth out, hoping to get rid of the terrible taste, and splashed water on his face. Drying off, he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked horrible; grey and drawn. Well, that couldn’t be helped. The last thing he wanted to do was go downtown to that crash site and be stuck behind the safety barrier. He didn’t want to watch; he wanted to *help. Help rescue the people that were no doubt trapped in the wreckage. Help the emergency services personnel make the scene as safe as possible, without them having to risk their more fragile, human, lives.

But he couldn’t.

For the second time in a week, Lex Luthor had seen to that.
With a heavy sigh, he threw the paper towel he’d been using in the bin and left the men’s room. Lois would be waiting for him.

Poor Clark! Not being able to help is so painful for him! Luthor is going to have a lot to answer for! splat

But why was he so insistent that Lex was sinister? Could it just be disapproval of Lex’s wealth colouring his judgement, as Lex had suggested? Could he just not conceive of someone amassing such a vast fortune in a relatively short time without resorting to criminal means? She shrugged. For someone that could be so transparent, sometimes Clark could be infuriatingly hard to read.

Lois honey, wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late!

Great story! Next part? grovel


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.