Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
You're the only one that's commented on anything I posted yesterday. I've posted a lot in the past week- 6 stories or parts of stories. I'm wondering if I've just overloaded people.

I like looking into the progression of Lois's feelings. Clark falling for Lois at first sight is very romantic but I love the more complicated process with Lois.

Thanks for commenting! smile

NostalgiaKick I think they got shocked when they saw two new parts to Unmasked. They didn't know what to do. All joking aside it does seem kinda quiet this week.

It was funny my detour story of Whine No More (which I literally finished writing in a week - I've never finished a story that fast) got more comments and feedback than my monsters of Epiphany and Ghost From the Past. I think it just comes in spurts. When people have time to sit down and read.

As far as the POV preference I kinda go back and forth with who I prefer exploring more. Lois / Clark. I think Lois is complicated and messy with her emotional baggage and take no prisoners attitude but I love delving into Clark's mind on the struggles of trying to be normal yet 'super' at the same time. I know there's a lot of 'love at first sight' stories with Clark but I think it was more he was taken with her and over time it developed into love. In BATP he told his parents he was 'realizing' Lois was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Keeping that mindset always makes for a good romance story IMO. smile

Hope you have a great day. Maybe next weekend everyone will be caught up and start commenting again! party

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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