I hope I don't sound like the proverbial broken record here when I thank you guys so much for all your incredible feedback! *crosses fingers*

Seriously, without everyone's encouragement, I would've left this as a vignette and not written its four other installments. I can't thank you all enough, and to see writers that I have so much respect for commenting on my work has been mind-blowing! I'm honestly just so amazed and humbled at the reception my first-ever fic has gotten; I just hope the planned sequel doesn't disappoint!

Thank you all for your kind words, especially in regard to my writing style and characterizations. For me, while the words come fairly easily, the hardest part is trying to get myself in Clark and Lois' psyches to write the heart-wrenching emotional stuff. You've all been so kind -- Wendy, Ann, Anna, Tricia, Shadow, Laura, Susan, Sheila, TVnerd, Maria, Julia, Jackie, Cristina, L, Lovesuper, AnKS, Terry, Chriscy -- just absolutely everyone who's commented! You guys have given me a reason to keep writing, and again, I'm just so grateful.

Some of you have picked up on things I didn't even consciously realize when I was writing this, like Ann's observation about just how significant my choice to have Lois watch Woman of the Year was (it's one of my favorite films; Tess Harding reminds me a lot of Lois, but I hadn't even thought about the whole Tracy/Hepburn parallel), and Terry's praise at Lois hating people see her as only a reporter, not a human being. (I'm a journalism student at the University of Kentucky, and one of the editors at the independent daily student-run newspaper, so that was actually my own frustration being vented -- but it works even better for Lois!)

Eep, am afraid I've begun to babble, and for that, I apologize. I just wanted to thank everyone for reading and for all the encouragement you've knowingly or unknowingly given! It's much, much appreciated, especially to such a newbie. smile

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien