In this... unsettled world, where I can find myself terrified on a regular basis that the world is spinning down into a dark hole, there is also plenty to laugh about (It's a question of choosing to laugh rather than cry).

One place that I find humor is in imagining how Lois would react to having one of her stories called "fake news" or to hearing about "alternative facts". Or imagining how Clark would react to being told he was living in a post truth world. (Can Superman stand for truth, justice, etc. if there is no such thing as truth?)

Unfortunately, I've been quite sick lately so haven't had a chance to pursue a story about how Lois and Clark might react to the current attack on the press, facts and truth. So I put this idea out there to see if anyone might be inspired to write a story.

Last edited by MLT; 02/15/17 04:57 PM.

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane