Originally Posted by Morgana
So nice to see a positive, happy Clark!
I couldn't resist. I've written so much angst for Clark lately (between these stories and Unmasked), it was about time he got happy lol. I could've easily written another dose of angst, but the missing scene in ATAI always gets me. He finally knows that she loves him just as much as he loves her- it has to be one of the happiest moments in his life.

VirginiaR- Thanks blush. And you're right on so many levels. While I do understand his motivation of wanting to know that he's loved for who he is before telling Lois his secret, he knows that now- she couldn't have made it any plainer. Telling her his secret should've come before proposing. What if she'd said yes? She would've done so without knowing what she was getting herself into, and if it turned out that that's not what she wanted, I think it would be worse for her to break the engagement than if she'd just said no in the first place.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. If it wasn't for you spurring me on, I doubt At First Sight would've received a sequel- let alone two season's worth of them!

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg