Congrats and welcome back! Your son rocks the Super suit!

My son preferred Spider-man to Superman at first, but then switched to preferring villains as he got older, because "Mom, they're cooler". mecry He did receive a Superman costume for his 5th birthday, and him wearing that is one of my favorite photos. His preferring other heroes / villains did not stop him drawing and coloring me pictures of Superman, because he knows that I like him. (Kids that age don't understand when I correct him and say, "No, I'm a Clark Kent fan, not a Superman fan.")

it is apparently impossible to find party stuff for JUST SUPERMAN. There is the Justice Leauge, but I don't wanna do Justice Leauge. I want to do Superman. mad What gives? Did the stores start profiling Superman for some reason? rotflol I found some stuff on Amazon, but not a lot. huh
I completely agree. You can also get a bunch of Batman stuff (probably because he's more of a loner?). Good luck with your search!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.