Bravo! So glad to see you posted! Writing can often be a soothing balm for the soul when RL is a bear.

But that didn’t explain why he was so careless about his identity on a daily basis. The amount of times she’d caught him doing something Super while he was ostensibly Clark Kent was staggering; enough that she’d perfected her ability to appear completely oblivious. She’d tried to overlook it, reasoning that he knew what he was doing; after all, he’d been protecting this secret his entire life.

This is a very different take on Lois. She is calmly studying the man and sees Clark is making a lot of mistakes! No wonder he was on the move so much! Sloppiness does it every time.

Clark’s brow furrowed. “If you believe that he’s a criminal, why are you still dating him?”

“I’m investigating him, you lunkhead!” she retorted. “And if you’re not more careful, he’s going to be the one doing the investigating! All that stuff about trying to get to the bomb? He’s not stupid, Clark. He will put two and two together, the same way I did. And it’s not the only slip I’ve seen you make. You’ve got a secret the size of- of Jupiter and you’re terrible at protecting it!”

Ha! Three points for Lois! clap She knows Lex is a snake in the grass, but figures the best way to dig up dirt on him is to stick close. Not Super-glue close, but close enough. A man like Lex Luthor did not get to the top as quickly as he did by being stupid. Remember Clark, his greatest weapon is his ability to know a person's weakness. Once he discovers you are Superman he will use that to bring you to your knees.

“I’ll be more careful, I promise. If-” he held up a finger “- you are too. Going after Luthor alone, Lois? Don’t you think that’s dangerous?”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “This had better not be like the Metro Club all over again, Kent.”

Clark shook his head. This time, he had no intention of trying to horn in on her investigation. “No. Let me help you.”

She studied him for a long moment, apparently considering. “Okay. Let me fill you in on what I’ve found…”

Good stars woman! This is the start of an excellent fic! There's got to be more. Please? grovel


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.