I have Christmas commitments, too, but I'd have made time for this fic, regardless. I'd still like to thank you for your thoughtfulness, though. smile

I think it was very neat that you gave us a five years later. And that we saw both Patrick and Kilmartin, both of whom I grew to like immensely.

Once, Lois had jokingly said that she would trade an eternity in paradise for just a moment with him. He hadn't laughed. Her words had sounded too close to the truth for comfort, and the idea that she felt that way about him had taken his breath away.

Besides, he knew exactly how she felt. He would do the same for her. In a skipping heartbeat.

This is a wonderful story, Chris. Totally perfect for Christmas, too. I'm definitely rereading this once it's up on the archive. And it will be treasure for months to come.

Thank you! And happy holidays. smile

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."