Hi everyone smile thanks for commenting. Feels like it's been forever since I posted anything, so it was great to find your feedback when I finally got my head out of my textbooks.

Mike- what you brought up is something that I've said many times myself in RL. We very rarely see characters on a tv show deal with the emotional fallout of a story line, and I often find it frustrating. I guess fanfic fills the gap a little. And I agree, Lois saves Clark just as much as he saves her- just in a different way. It's one of the things that made me love the show so much. Too often the 'love interest' in superhero shows/movies seems almost superfluous, like a groupie even. I love how the creators of L&C did their best to make Lois and Clark equals. (And you're welcome for the TOC lol)

Joan- yup, even with its problems Earth must seem mighty tempting to a people that have no home- especially as it comes with the added bonus of godlike powers.

VirginiaR- I really like your thoughts on Trask there.

Suggs-with-a-box- Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll write another chapter smile

DC- Superman working to fix the damage just seemed like something he'd do smile And yeah, I think that Nor invading Earth was pretty much a given as soon as it was discovered by NK. Clark's presence was a convenient excuse.

Thanks again everyone smile

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg