Just got done reading Parts 11 and 12...

I'm so excited about this story hail!

I loved the moments between Lois and Martha--how Martha got some time to talk to someone else about her son, and how Lois really learned a lot about Clark's childhood.

And I really enjoyed Lois and Clark getting some time together. Lois trying to figure Clark out. Clark trying to help her clean her place. Learning how to work together and be friends.

Also, hoping that Clark is gaining some confidence where his abilities are concerned. Seeing how happy Lois was by how he helped her pick up, helping the lady he heard yelling...hoping Clark will continue to gain a lot from these experiences.

Loving this smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~