Once more for the count! So… first The Incredibles. And now…the Starks? Will this be about Littlefinger explaining to Ned how Kings Landing works?

Tyrion: "A Lannister never posts on THIS side of the boards."

Oh, look. Tony’s even got his own, personal Colonel as a press secretary. Either that, or he’s under arrest and only allowed to say good bye to the public and his girlfriends.

Tony: "Did you expect anything less of me?"

To be fair, he’s a playboy and that way, he can get even those women who normally only go for superheroes. You know, the serious, investigative reporter type.

Lois: "Luckily, I've been immunized."

Billionaires go missing or die all the time while in Superman’s company. Just look at Lex Luthor. Larry Luckabee.

Tony: "I (eventually) have a Hulk."

He does realize how GPS works, right?

Well, considering that back in 2008, sometimes it took my GPS 20 minutes to find me outside of my apartment...

That’s paranoid. Everyone already knows that Superman and Wonder Woman are shacking it up in her Greek palace when they’re off duty. And Batman, well…he’s Batman. He either scowls or hangs head down from the ceiling of some cave. While Iron Man, it’s obvious that he’s got a civilian name. Just like no one would assume that a military jet is just going to sit around in a hanger after its done flying a mission or what not. There’s always a pilot.
LOIS: Superman and Wonder Woman, huh?
CLARK: On second thought, maybe the secret identity thing getting formally established might not be such a bad thing after all…

Hal: "Doesn't anyone care about who I'm sharing a bed with?"

They could lock him up in the secret prison underneath the Hall of Justice, couldn’t they?

They tried, but a Hobbit with a ring found him. (sigh)


Batman: "Here's some ice. Clark is over there (waves dismissively) if you need to cry."

Is that already sexual harassment at the work place?
TONY: No, I don’t work at the Justice Hall.

clap rotflol

Why do I hear Han Solo in his voice.

Tony: "Chewie! I mean Jarvis!"

I’m not so sure about that. He’s been in big business for a while, dealing weapons, and working with lawyers. I’m sure he knows.

Luthor: "He's got a point. Lawyers are way worse than I ever was."

Couldn’t he leave a note on the side of Mt. Rushmore or something? That way, Herb would notice when he pops up in the future at some point.


Like not break up with Lois for her own good?

You read my mind!

Yeah, right. Drop. Bucket. Ocean. Considering the amount of suits he goes through.



Doubly so! laugh

So, where was Superman during the whole alien invasion thing?

Clark: "Sorry, my oldest two had a school play."

Thanks for reading! Glad I could provide a laugh or two.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon