Very, very good, DC clap!

I've (probably never blush ) really given Zara and Ching much thought. I appreciated them as characters, but never went 'deeper' than that. Never thought what the NK Arch would have been like for them. How pulled apart from each other they constantly felt. What it would have been like to love each other when there was no chance to ever be in love. My mind (and my VCR remote, when young) would constantly pull me to sweet kisses--reunited on Lois' apartment front steps, while 'working' together in Smallville in a baseball hate, while-on-the-balcony (!) hail love hail.


I always really appreciate your writing because you make me think. You do a fantastic job of going places with your pieces that I have never thought to go. Zara and Ching--really, it is quite the story of forbidden love, isn't it? Next time I watch those eps I'll definitely be watching for their story to unfold...

Awesome job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~