What can I say other than another heart-felt thank you to you all! No roll call today, though... I'm running short on time.

I did wonder when I wrote this whether the stuff with the Superman Foundation was a bit over the top. Yes, I have the indignation I was going for... but don't expect to get any happy resolution on that front in this fic.

Yes, the Foundation is being run as a business. How did Clark let it get to that point? I think it just happened. People and organisations are expected to account for the money that passes through their hands. Okay, so the people in the Foundation *are* morons, but they are also employees and business people. They are not crooks or embezzlers. And they are doing their jobs.

How would Clark stop it? I'm not sure. He's not a businessman. I think it would take someone with the drive and righteous indignation of a Lois to sort this mess out. However, as I say, that's not likely to happen in this fic.

Ann, your feedback continues to amaze me. smile And all of it continues to delight! laugh
