Yeah...I caught the cold at the beginning of January, was pretty miserable with that for a couple weeks, then (finally--should have gone sooner) went to the doctor. Turns out it had turned into a sinus infection--along with an ear infection (because of the sinus infection, argh!). They gave me 10 days of antibiotics, with a refill in case things weren't 100% when complete. Well....things weren't 100% so I got the refill wink.

I'm on the last day of the refill script today. I'd say pretty much back to normal now--and have been for the last few days smile. The doctor told me that sinus infections are notoriously slow to recover from--and boy, in my case, she was totally correct.

Thinking good thoughts for you--and 'Health' smile. Keep us posted and feel better!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~