Thanks everyone! I love this episode- well, right up until Mayson dies. I remember yelling at my TV screen when it first aired... such terrible timing! But I love all the interaction between Lois and Clark, and the bit where they shake hands and end up holding hands instead... Love it.
Okay, so I'm a hopeless romantic smile

Susan- It's funny, sometimes I find it harder to write about some of my favourite episodes precisely because there are so many fanfics written about them. I like trying to find something different in them, I guess.
Originally Posted by groobie
My favorite line was this one:
I want her to want a second date, and a third, and a fourth… and a future.
You know that moment where a line occurs to you and it feels like it pulls the whole thing together? That line was it.

Originally Posted by LMA
So much of the show--so much especially of the first and second season--IS the excitement, the possibility of love between these two.
Laura- you just summed up exactly why first and second seasons will always be my favourites smile

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
The self-doubts...Am I dressed well enough, Will we have enough in common, Should I move in for a goodnight kiss. It's very overwhelming!
DC- You're right, first dates are overwhelming to begin with. Add the fact that it's his first date with Lois, and poor Clark must've been over-the-top nervous.

Thank you all for commenting. Now it's on to less-happy episodes...

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg