Laura: Thank you. Sorry to hear that you're battling the cold-monster in your house. Hope everyone feels better soon!

Awww. Shucks. blush

I'm (still) playing catch-up from over the holidays (and from lovely rounds of sickness at our house crazy ). But, boy, I am really glad that I found this tonight
Me, too. smile

Really interesting idea for a story. Loving the premise. The BATP/HOL timeframe is such an emotional ride for both Lois and Clark. So many feelings, so many misunderstandings. So much miscommunication. A story like this, where Clark is on Lois' side, trying to help her, while she is engaged to Lex? Brilliant--such a great change from how separate their lives become for awhile in canon.
I figured that once emotions calmed down (and if they were still working together at the Planet, they'd have had time for that to happen), Clark might realize that telling Lois that she's wrong about Lex might not be the best approach to get her to see the truth.

Great descriptions of the photos. And that second one, wow. Clark's fantasy grin. I's hoping it becomes a reality.
CLARK: You and me both. drool Oh, sorry. Did I say that aloud? My bad.

I'm going to really enjoy catching up on this one
Thanks. I hope I don't disappoint. Speaking of which, I need to prep part 4.5 if I'm going to post it this weekend.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.