Ahh! DC--you get back here and post another part! grovel Oh-my-goodness!

I'm enjoying watching this Lois and Clark's friendship blossom. You can really tell that 'something' is there between them--a connection, a natural draw that pulls them together. I love the small changes, here and there, seeing how these two find their way together. And, of course, I completely swoon over Clark immediately knowing that Lois is the one for him love.

What a dilemma that you left us with. The truck careening towards Lois, Clark--literally--shoving her out of the way. Reminds me of the 'bus/brakes going out' from the Pilot, but it happening like this presents all sorts of other situations. Lois with Clark as it happens. Him beginning to become established, having no desire to leave (instead of when the situation happens so early on the show).

So curious--need more, now! smile

(Sorry it's taken me a bit to catch up to this story...sickness galore around here crazy )

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~