I wouldn't be surprised if Lucius considered throwing his nephew out
Me, either! Sounds like something he would do.
It's good to finely learn what exactly are the horrors from Lucius's past.
And he wasn't exactly behaving himself in Italy or Germany either!
From Cedric's nightmares, I worry that harm was done to Lucius already during his attack on the Masked Avenger. (ie. I'm guessing that it was his uncle in the carriage, which was why the Avenger hurried to ride back to the manor house and Lavina and warn/protect her.) But, surely, if it had been Lucius wouldn't he have returned to the manor before now?
As a possible clue, I offer this from the day that Lucius got the news he was needed in London:
"It is all arranged, mademoiselle. My nephew will escort you upon your ride this morning. I must notify my servant--there are arrangements to be made, plans to be altered--and take my leave of your father, so I will say 'adieu' now. I hope to once again have the pleasure of your company before too many days have passed."
I'm glad that you enjoyed the romantic bits. They are some of my favorites also.
So much French for those of us who don't speak it. What does this mean? "Le Galliard," he murmured. "Je veux danser avec Lavinia ce soir. La robe bleue ... We'll dance together ... Le Galliard."
The "Galliard" is the dance that Lavinia and her father taught to Cedric the first night after Lucius went to London. Literally, it translates as, "I want to dance with Lavinia tonight. The blue dress ..." I had tried to leave clues in among Cedric's dream ramblings--he talks about that blue dress, for example. However, would it be helpful if I included an author's note with translations at the end of each post? I'd be glad to do it. I'd rather not take too much of the French out as I think it adds to the story.
I sense more adventure to come!
Most definitely!!
Thanks for the great feedback.