Well, I just heard a word that is making me extremely happy: Epilogue! clap hyper dance

I loved this, Anti-K. So beautifully written, and also, so balanced of a take of their relationship. There is doubt, there is uncertainty in their lives. They both have concerns. They haven't forgotten. But, the biggie--they are living.

And I so enjoy that they are gaining strength from each other. Clark is so reassuring, so comforting, in his love for Lois. He understands that she needs to show/tell him she will be there for him, and he listens, lets her give that. And she pushes him, makes him 'see' the daylight. Encourages him that he can have a life, choose to live that life.

I'm excited that they are going to Smallville. That everyone seems to be healing from the last year, moving on, but choosing to move on together, not appart.

I'm very curious as to how this story will draw to a close--a proposal? grovel A wedding? grovel

And--Lois and Clark back at the Planet, working together? grovel

Like mentioned above, deep down, #3--working together, probably in my gut is the least likely. But I can't help but want that for them. They are better together, stronger together. They do work really well together. There seemed to be a sadness when Clark was at work...a bridge he wasn't able to cross because Lois wasn't there by his side. He seems to have the most sense of loss when he thinks about day to day, working, spending time at the office...alone.

I've really really loved this story, enjoyed this journey you've taken us on.

Looking forward to reading the end smile

Last edited by LMA; 11/18/15 07:29 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~