Virginia, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I guess it's like the Spanish Inquisition, in that nobody expects it.

Mouserocks, I hope your day got better. I'm delighted my story could give you a little pick-me-up.

I had thought about making it a true crossover with the "Once Upon a Time" series by using the phrase "The Dark One" instead of "the sorcerer," but I figured that if I did that, I might confuse some of my audience. Perhaps L&C were investigating Mr. Gold a little too closely? (If anyone wants a real L&C/OUaT crossover, I recommend AntiKryptonite's Strangers to This World.)

HappyGirl, That steak tartare story sounds interesting, and a definite twist from what one might expect of a "Cold and Blood" challenge.

Chris, let's just hope there are no clones nearby.

Thank you all for leaving feedback.
