Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
DC, I think Ralph would make a better Guy Gardner. So who would Perry be? I can think of a couple Marvel possibilities (specifically, Hulk and The Thing), but I can't think of any broad-shouldered DC heroes off the top of my head. Maybe Martian Manhunter, since he can shape shift? Of course, no one with his fear of fire would ever choose to smoke.
I think that Ralph would be just as brilliant as Guy Gardner (never liked "Rambo with a ring") as he would be as Plastic Man. I could even see him as the Flash (Wally West), too.

Regarding Perry: How about Wildcat? (Or just plain Elvis.)

Come to think of it, Jimmy would be even better as the Flash. No kidding. And Bobby Bigmouth could crash the party as Batman. laugh

Last edited by Lara Joelle Kent; 10/19/15 03:06 PM.

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