Wow! I am absolutely blown away by your kind feedback. Thank you so much. smile

This better be the first of many. You've fallen into the trap now. There's no escape!
LOL, no kidding. Although I've only written very little fanfic over the years, and read even less, I do enjoy writing in general. I must say, though, that this is probably the nicest response I've ever gotten to anything I've written, so I might just continue. Addicted to feedback... oy goofy .

You've portrayed Lana sympathetically and you've done a terrific job of showing both her and Clark's confusion about the sudden change that's hit their lives.
While I love the episode to bits (one of my top three, definitely), I always thought that Lois reacted kind of lightly to what had happened. Of course, the line, "It was for that selfish thoughtlessness, more than anything, that Lana resented her" is Lana's POV, but I think there is a bit of truth to it. Once she was back with her own Clark, Lois seemed to entirely forget about the role she played in the destruction of another person's life. She never talked about the other Clark, at least not on the show. In my opinion, there should have been more reflection and sorrow on her part, and I wanted to mention Lois' reaction in this story. I suppose one could write pages worth of angst about Lois dealing with the fact that she, albeit inadvertently, helped destroy a good man--a Superman--but I thought I'd let her off the hook with a paragraph goofy .

Sorry, I'll stop rambling wink .

And that line about the wind...*shiver*
Wow. Just wow. Both the 'someone who only stays until the wind changes' line and Lana finally seeing the misery in Clark.
I'm really glad you liked that line. I thought it fit very well with the role Lois had taken on in Clark's life: a Mary Poppins-like figure who swoops in to help but who doesn't stay to face, or realize, the consequences of her actions. The irony is, of course, that Mary Poppins turned lives around for the better while Lois... well. Hence the line, "Lana, of course, caught the irony of the remark, and the aptness of it..." (emphasis added).

It was a nice, touching story and it made me think about AU Lana a little bit more
She was a throwaway character on the show, and I have to say I'm very glad that our Clark told Lois that "[s]he's not worth it" -- especially in light of the character-assassination of Clark and the worship of Lana that's going on in Smallville. But I still felt that she couldn't have been all bad, or selfish, or unkind, the way she came across on the show, or a decent man like the alternate Clark wouldn't have stuck with her for so long, regardless of how alone he felt. I guess I was trying to redeem her a bit. Whether she deserved it is another question wink .

From the other feedback thread (wow, I get two! laugh )

I tried to pick out lines that I wanted to quote, but there honestly ended up being too many
Thank you blush . I do try to write lines that will stick with you for a while after you've finished reading, because I always admire authors who are able to do that and enjoy their stories the most.

For someone who doesn't write fanfic, you seem to have a lot of talent.
Thanks. Like I said, I have written a little fanfic and I've written a lot of original stuff, so it's not like I'm a complete novice at this, but it's still nice to hear that I have talent smile .

I do believe she truly thought she was protecting him. She just didn't realise she was going about it all the wrong way.
Yeah, I thought so, too. Unfortunately, we only got one more episode with alt-Clark, so there really was no resolution there, something I've always regretted. It would have been nice to see how his life continued. I do doubt that things ended that abruptly with Lana, because they had spent all their adult and a good chunk of their teenage years together. Letting go would probably be very hard, especially if there was nothing else to turn to.

You write beautifully. So what's next?
Thank you. Well, I don't really have anything else in regard to L&C, although I did just dust off and finish a Stargate SG-1 vignette which I'll put up on my new website sometime in the near future.

Again, thank you very much for your kind words. I'm sure I'll write again sometime, if for no other reason than the fact that feedback is addictive goofy .

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa