Ahhhh! wildguy/ wallbash/ devil / notworthy

I'm so relieved--but likewise--so utterly, wonderfully frustrated! smile.

Lois is alive. She isn't poisonous--big plus thumbsup. James--I'm sure--is ok, finally getting those much-deserved bandages wink. The Kents should be fine--secure and on the mend. Trash is definitely out of the picture jump.

And Clark. Clark--physically--should be getting back to Super, since it's now been over 12 hours since his Lois-Kryptonite-Poisoning-Encounter...and he's up and around since he tried to go and see Lois at the hospital.

We got through all of that. Whoo. That's a lot!




Now the heart of the matter. The Issues: Lack of Trust. Questioning their Friendship, their Motives. Lying to Each Other. Betrayal (For both Lois and Clark). Clark's core issue of creating a third person between them. Lois--acting on pain/disappointment experienced from others, reflecting/acting out on that prematurely towards Clark.

She's blaming herself right now--she has never stopped blaming herself since her knee-jerk article reaction. And Clark--he can't help but to blame himself for everything. It's in his personality, engrained in him to his core.

They NEED to talk. He needs to follow Lois, go to her apartment. They have to be alone. No distractions. Bare it all. Finally be honest with each other--about all of the hurt...but likewise, about all of what each means to the other.

Ack--and now to wait it out till next weekend! smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~