His dad squeezes his hand, an almost negligible pressure that sparks the birth of a wide smile on Clark’s face.


She hates being on a different floor than Jonathan, hates not being able to get out of bed and take care of her husband and son and James.

Yup. She must be crawling the walls.

“How are you doing?”

Yup, she's a mom. smile

Also, I think I’ve managed to finally corrupt the night nurse well enough to sneak me in some paper and pencils.


“I’m starting to think you’re something of an overachiever, Mom.”

Well, she *did* raise a superhero!

inevitable trust he will have to show to some hospital somewhere

Too bad Dr. Klein's more of a labrat than anything.

always somehow just what he needs) Lois might give him.

Perfectly reasonable. He needs strength no matter where it's coming from.

He feels like casting off Superman and stepping into Clark Kent.

He feels like being selfish.

Good, Clark. You need to recharge, especially mentally.

He let her come because he wanted to say goodbye to that time of his life. To shut the door on it and realize, for once and for all, just how irrevocably changed everything was, and thus, resign himself fully to the life now before him.


Superman has a reason for being here, a reason for continuing, and Clark does not

Oh, Clark. How easily you forget how much the people who love you need Clark and could do without Superman.

And so Clark does, because as hard as it is to turn away from cries for Superman, it is impossible to ignore this solitary cry for Clark Kent.


and that is enough to make him eat it even if it were burned and salty and out of date.

In other words: made by Lois.

Now that we have a clean table, we can play some poker.

Love the throwback to the little "after work" poker game in the series. Good thing Perry's not there. wink

“I might even give a better showing at this poker game since Perry isn’t around to cheat.”

Hey! That's what I said! wink

“If I’m not saving people all the time…if I take time off…how do I justify that? What do I tell them when they ask me why I wasn’t there?”

The question I'm sure every Clark in every universe has asked himself at some point.

To be Clark Kent. To not be Superman all the time.

Light bulbs turning on for you there, Clark? Finally?

Maybe he really can live again.

Annnnnd I feel like I can (maybe) breathe a little easier.

As always, I'm sitting her at the edge of my seat while reading, devouring your story so fast I have to stop and reread things because I've flown through it. Wonderful and I look forward to more!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon