One of these days I'm going to get my comments in on time!

There was one final voice added to the chorus. At the back, on the bride's side a lone individual stood and raising his hand said, "I also object!" Luthor looked at him with distain; he was wearing a trench coat, had his hair spiked out with mouse, was wearing sunglasses and had a full beard and moustache. He looked like a refugee from a hobo camp.

That's gotta be Clark! clap

He looked like he was about to strike her when he was distracted by more voices. He spun around again to see, Perry White and James Olsen standing with hands raised. Not to be left out, Cat Grant, seeing how things were going decided to join in and jumping to her feet, yelled, "I object too!" She dragged her fiancé, George Amundsen to his feet and shouted, "So does he!"

Let's hear it for the future Mr. and Mrs. Amundsen! thumbsup

That was when Henderson spoke up. "My objection is also valid. I object because I'm placing Lex Luthor under arrest."

Luthor roared, "What! You can't do that to me! On what charge?"

Bill pulled a document out of his pocket that looked suspiciously like a warrant. As he read he replied in his normally phlegmatic tone, "Let's see, in front of a roomful of witnesses, you just admitted to one count of attempted murder, but there are multiple counts; murder, multiple counts of that too; conspiracy, multiple counts; extortion, multiple counts; kidnapping, multiple counts; arson, multiple counts; insurance fraud, racketeering, international transport of illegal weapons, narcotics trafficking, prostitution, receipt of stolen goods … need I go on?"

Go ahead Bill, there have to be a few more charges you can throw at the man. No doubt in my mind that one way or another they will stick!

The individual that had been approaching from the rear had made it half way down the aisle by this time and spoke again, "You're through, Luthor. It has taken months to get the goods on you, but we finally did it. We got it all. You’re going away, probably for good."

What do you mean by 'probably'? grumble

As this individual spoke, Luthor turned his piercing gaze on him. His look was pure rage. The stranger was sauntering, slowly up the aisle. He looked ill and a bit unsteady on his feet, but he walked with determined step. As he walked he removed his trench coat which he dropped in a vacant seat to reveal a tux underneath. Pulling a pair of glasses from his pocket he replaced his sunglasses with them, dropping the sunglasses on the trench coat. Next he pulled out a comb and combed the mouse from his hair, returning it to his normal, fluffy do with a little forelock curling on his forehead. Once this was accomplished he peeled off the false beard and moustache. Luthor stared at him in fury as he metamorphosed before his eyes into Clark Kent.

Yup, just as I thought, Clark is back!

When she turned around, she saw Lucy helping Cat to finish dressing. Cat looked at her and in a sincere tone she said, "Cat, I'm glad you came."

Cat smiled and said, "I figured that there had to be a good reason for you to ask me to come dance at your wedding. I didn't realize I'd be drafted into being a Bride's Maid."

With a worried expression, Lois asked, "Is that a problem? Was I presuming too much?"

Cat straightened up from putting on her heels and said, "No it isn't a problem. There's just one thing."

"Oh, what's that?"

She smiled and replied; "Now you'll have to return the favor. I'd like you to be Matron of Honor in my wedding."

Whew! Glad that's settled! So happy to see them working together as friends.

When she opened the door she was shocked to see Luthor running across the hall and ducking up a set of stairs.

She shouted, "What the …" and dashed off after him.

Martha was behind Lois and seeing her dash off, took off after her.



A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.