I'm really intregued with this story, bakasi. The flashback between Lois and Lex, along with the moments with Lucy were great...but wow--the end, where Lois and Clark had a moment together--that was an amazing scene notworthy.

I really loved the set-up: Lois just having gotten out of the shower...see's a shadow in the window looking back at her...lets him into her bedroom to try to reconnect. You could really feel the tension from Clark. Feel how Lois was very much wanting to have a moment with him. All the uncertainty. Confusion.

I'm so glad that Lois told Clark that Perry hasn't done anything about his resignation. And I'm happy that Clark knows that his secret is safe with Lois. Her acceptance of what Clark can do, and her support of him, I really enjoyed.

Can't wait for more!
Laura smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~