why should she be granted a modicum of privacy when she’s stolen every bit of that same luxury from the Kents?


“I am going to help you, Clark,” she murmurs into the still air

Please hear that, Clark!

And for the first time since her terrible crime, Lois feels, when she wakes up to a hand on her shoulder, actually rested.

It's a start...

She feels as if she is bathing in peppermint shame.

Love this.

Lois doesn’t want to save Superman (or not Superman only), not when it is Clark Kent she wants to revive and rejuvenate and restore.


“I try to keep most of my tools up by the garden, but sometimes Martha appropriates a few pieces for her art projects.”

Ha! I can totally see that too!

“Everybody needs a second chance at one point or another,” he murmurs, and then he turns and leads her to the elevator.

I love you, Jonathan!

because they cannot plan too far ahead. Because they have to be careful in what they decide to do and what markets they attend and where they might be spotted. Because their everyday activities can only be planned around constant uncertainties


Lois has to clench her fists to keep from hugging him (knowing he probably wouldn’t welcome the tactile gratitude).

I don't know, Lois. He's a teddy bear of a man, even if you did royally screw up their lives.

She can kill even the hardiest plant stuck on the corner of her desk every time New Year’s resolutions roll around

She must be related to my mother, killer of all things green and growing, simply by looking at it. (I left a Chia Pet with her for a week during a college dorm move and she managed to grow mold on it and kill it.)

His understated wisdom that brings her, unbidden, countless thoughts of a young, smiling Clark kneeling at his father’s side in a Kansas field or an older, pensive Clark following his dad from field to field, employing terrifying, alien power to grow crops of food, to nurture living, fragile things, to contribute to continued life.

Love these images.

Small memories. Tiny moments.

Exactly the kind of rocket fuel she needs to pull herself together and resurrect Clark.

(to tell him about Trask’s voice whispering in her ear and tests posed him he didn’t even know about; explain about adjoining tents and overheard confessions and shattered misconceptions),

Please, tell me we're getting a flashback scene (or at least a long, detailed conversation) at some point.

“Clark,” she says, and pretends it doesn’t hurt to see the tiny, instant smile that flashes almost every time she uses his name. “I was wondering if I could talk to you.”


His sincerity shouldn’t hurt, but it does. It hurts worse, she thinks, than his blame would.


This is a conversation she should have had with him almost five months ago


“Clark is who you are,” Lois whispers.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

He’s still Clark.

Clark Kent is dead, but he’s still Clark. He hasn’t forgotten, hasn’t given up hope, hasn’t entirely succumbed to the bleakness of this prison she’s delivered him into.

And if Clark is what he wants (if Clark is what makes her smile), then she will bring Clark Kent back from the dead (and erase that horrible accusation from the face of his grave), if it is the last thing she ever does.

Ack! You can't leave us here! Mooooore! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a Clark smile on top?

As always, captivating - I had to force myself to slow down and not fly over the reading, wanting to know what would happen next.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon