Cat was starting to get an inkling that something was going on and her curiosity was piqued. In a very low voice, she asked, "Lois, what's going on?"

The exchange between Lois and Cat is very believable! Thanks so much for using George's character in such a great way!

Mrs. Cox, ever the eager companion asked, "Lex, what does Lois Lane have that I don't? Don't I please you?"

I always wondered why Mrs. Cox was willing to play second fiddle to Lois, in my mind, she and Lex made the perfect criminal couple. LOL!

When he stood, he tried to pull her into an embrace and kiss her again, but she shied away and said, "Not here. It's bad enough that everyone here knows you gave me this job. I don't want them all thinking I slept my way to the top.

Oh man, Lois is really playing this close to the vest. Agreeing to be engaged to Lex while still married to a very much alive Clark? Yikes! help

This is so different from canon, refreshingly so!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.