Playing a bit of catch up this morning...

I can't believe that we are already commenting on Part 25!?! It's amazing how quickly this story has gone--how much I have really enjoyed it, enjoyed this process of Lois and Clark becoming parents. Falling in love love.

Wonderful part. Clark's fears were very realistic--knowing that he's had some doubts, does worry about the future--really brought a real-life tone to these last few months of the pregnancy. So many adjustments...

And everything with Clark and the house was so very adorable smile. My two favorite things--L&C and house design/decorating--combined as one dance.

I love seeing them settling in...getting ready for an amazing life together.

Excited for more,

Last edited by LMA; 07/06/15 01:17 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~