But...he didn't fall in love with Lana, Linda, or anyone else 'at first sight' like he did Lois, either peep. The connection he felt with her was immediate, very strong, and very real. It wasn't something that could be duplicated. IMO, a lot more than a crush.

Trust me, Lois--in my book--does not get a 'free pass' for doing what she did. She's had four months of hell. She feels terribly guilty. And she is always going to have to live with what she has done. Also, just b/c Lois is forgiven by Clark, doesn't give her redemption with James, Martha, or Jonathan. Who knows how they'll handle the situation?

This story is centering around Lois' mistake. I don't know how I'd respond if it was someone else. I'm just going off my interpretation of how I feel the story is going, of who has done what. Another story, another situation, would get equal consideration in by book (whoever that story happens to be about wink ).

Again--completely in my opinion (which, hey, could be totally wrong thumbsup)--Clark knew all of this before he decided to be Superman. It was a risk he was evidently willing to take (regarding his friends/loved ones).

Totally, I'm mad at Lois for what she has done. But we don't know the whole story. Clark does. And I trust Clark's gut instinct on this one huh.

Interesting discussion, There Is No Spoon notworthy.

You've definitely got us hooked, Anti-K smile. Great story.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~