clap clap clap

I absolutely LOVE 'Honeymoon in Metropolis'. From the first time I saw it, it's easily been one of my all-time favorite episodes. And you know, you hit on exactly why that is...

HIM, to me, is so amazingly great because even though it's a completely 'made up' situation (pretending to be honeymooners, etc) that is happening--this is the episode where Lois and Clark truely (for the first time) get to be completely themselves around each other. There's a bit of that feeling in GGGoH, but Clark is sorta preoccupied with the lack of superpowers--plus they are out of Metropolis, much more out of their routine, etc.

From the end scene in HIM, when they are talking while both in bed, I always came away feeling that Lois really sort of 'discovered' Clark in this episode. Realized that she could be totally herself with him. Realized that being around him was a lot more fun than being alone, closing herself off. Realized that she missed him when he wasn't by her side after their time together.

They both, IMO, really got the framework of what a relationship could look like, be like, with each other in this episode.

And you totally pulled that into your piece notworthy. They become legitamate 'friends' in HIM. And they both legitamitely see 'potential' in their friend while getting to know each other over these few days.

You found what I feel while watching. Loved your piece hyper.

Great job smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~