Wow, this reality just keeps getting worse and worse dizzy shock mecry.

And the scary thing is--like Lynn pointed out--I can really see this happening if the the end of the first season would have been tweaked a bit. Lex is just creepy beyond belief. Sick. Twisted. As bad as he is in all that he does in canon, this is just so much worse. The control he has over the other Lois, slowly stripping her world away. Leaving her nothing besides a couple of rooms, beauty appointments, and showings at charity functions.

And Clark. What a horrible life Clark has been living these two years! In some way not having his powers--either from Lex, from thug beatings, or from something. Living in the fear that he CAN be hurt. Loosing his friendship with Lois. And what's really occured to me this chapter, watching Lois completely slipping away. Physically from him--Clark not being able to see Lois. But then also by him knowing how much Lex is controlling her, messing with her, distorting her. Changing her.

Very curious to read the next part! Does she escape at the function? Does she go to Clark? Is Clark ok? Must-Read-More! grovel


Last edited by LMA; 05/24/15 02:43 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~