Aha! Catching up with my reading.

George happened to be unconscious at the time so Clark slid his glasses down and used precise blasts of his heat vision to cauterize the major vessels that had been opened by the bullet.

I have always had a problem with this, both in the series and here. huh The smell of burning flesh is awful and unmistakable. Also, wouldn't there have been some burn marks? Maybe that concoction Clark created was designed to remove the marks and the smell? Seems unlikely.

Perry had a thoughtful look on his face as he replied, "Know of him. Pino 'Pretty Face' Dragonetti. One of the fiercest gangsters in Metropolis during the Prohibition era, as ruthless as he was handsome."

Love that nickname! clap

It was pretty well reported in the papers at the time. Now, of course, it was before my time, but since it involved this building, I read up on it. You’ll have to give an old story-teller a little leeway while I tell this tale, but the way I remember it, the story went something like this:

Perry you will never be old to this story-teller! wink

Lois, hearing this and knowing Lex's attraction to her pictured herself as Lily and even though Clark would never be a partner with Lex, because of her relationship with Clark she pictured him as Bill.

Lily, in an attempt to defuse the situation, stood and approached Dragonetti. She was wearing a slinky, short white flapper dress with bead tassels hanging from the waist that swished around as her hips moved. She put her arms around him and said, "Pino, I missed you."

In a sneering tone, Dragonetti replied, "I can see that. Now, beat it. I've got business with Bill."

Lily, still trying to cover said, "Your business is my business, you big lug."

Dragonetti dismissed her, "Later, baby."

All we need now is James Cagney, Joan Blondell and Humphrey Bogart and this story will be complete. Thanks for the snappy 20's dialogue, now bring on the next chapter!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.