I'm working on an anti-verse where Clark actually is the bad guy... the Boss in fact. grin It may be a bit (read: a LOT) OOC, but I think given extenuating circumstances, anyone can snap. I don't think Clark is excluded from that, just the Clark we know from canon makes it seem unlikely.

Other ways I think he could be criminal... well, if the law was in the wrong and Clark has a strong sense of justice, I can definitely see Clark becoming a criminal. Steal from the rich to give to the needy type of stuff. Heck, he already bends the rules sometimes in canon-- he frees Lois from prison on the premise that she didn't do it. That's a crime. What else wouldn't he do for Lois? Or his parents? Being a criminal doesn't mean he's evil necessarily. Although that's fun too.

I'm waiting till I'm a bit farther in to start posting on my fic, but I'm almost to 20 chapters, so I'll probably be posting soon... laugh On the other hand, I'd love to see what other people are able to do with this concept. I love it when the script gets flipped around like this. hyper

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain