Oh my goodness, just started watching this show and got caught up on it, and I absolutely love it! It does have a very L&C kind of feeling, with Barry being such a good guy and a great friend and overlooked at work, and of course with his absolute love and adoration for Iris, who loves and adores him back but is completely oblivious to any romantic overtones! Also, she's a reporter who starts following the Flash and reporting on him, which means Barry starts talking to her as both himself and his alter ego. Their chemistry is really sparkling and dynamic, and the actors portray the changing facets extremely well.

I have never watched Arrow (though I did break down and watch the episodes with Barry in them just because...well, BARRY, obviously), but I love Flash's lighter atmosphere and its boldness in not pretending it's not a superhero show. Their nods and inside jokes for comics readers are a ton of fun, and I always catch more on the rewatches. I also love how they're doing such a good job of showing that Barry has a lot of darkness and tragedy in his life, but that he keeps choosing to be good and optimistic and to be a inspiration of hope to others (like Clark), not to mention how strong and compassionate Iris is, and how enduring and GOOD a relationship Barry has with both his parent figures as well as his team. And that's not even mentioning the great bad guy set up!

Last edited by AntiKryptonite; 05/02/15 05:38 AM.