Hey DC smile

I really did enjoy this chapter a lot. Very much like Susan stated...it felt 'real'. And that, completely, is what I was looking forward to them experiencing. I was really wanting and hoping that they would really get into the conversation, have the conversation that they needed to have.

And really, I think the discussion went very much like what I would picture it to go like. Both of their parts of the conversation, their thoughts so far about everything--I could picture it all being so accurately Lois, and also Clark.

Oh--and lastly, I really loved how Lois pushed Clark a bit at the end. To tell her what he really thinks, not just to provide support. That was a great part in the conversation and I think it was needed. Support is great, but I think Lois very much needed an opionion from him.

As usual, can't wait for more grovel

Last edited by LMA; 04/26/15 04:39 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~