The Kerth Awards Ceremony will be Saturday, April 18, 8pm Central Daylight Time (GMT -5)! party

The Kerths won't happen without your help, though! Volunteers are needed to present awards for the different categories. It's also fun to have commercials during the ceremony, if anyone is interested in writing some.

Presenting is easy! You can be as creative or as straightforward as you like. Simply give a brief explanation of the category, name the stories nominated, and then announce the winner (which you will be given).

Please respond to this thread or PM me if you'd like to volunteer.

Volunteers are needed to present the following categories:

Best Super Short (1-10k)

Best Short Story (11-50k)

Best Mid-Length Story (51-200k)

Best Long Story (over 200k)

Best Revelation Story

Best Original / Supporting Character

Best First Kiss

Best Comedy - Morgana

Best New Author - KatherineKent

Best Overall Story

More details about the ceremony itself will be in a separate post.

If you cannot attend the ceremony but would still like to be part of the fun, you can claim a category, write a presentation and send it to me.

Amber smile

Last edited by amberlea; 04/17/15 12:01 PM. Reason: updating volunteers