Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by Morgana
The final installment of The Rival! Now the series is veering off into uncharted territories:

When things quieted down they all returned to the Planet. Jimmy headed for the darkroom while Lois and Clark wrote up the story. After they sent it to Perry they headed home.

Once they were in the apartment, Lois asked, “What was that heart-to-heart you had with Henderson?”

Bring Bill into the investigation is a great move. He is always the voice of legal reason - especially when Lois starts to take out her lock picking tools! grin But seriously, Inspector Henderson should be along for the investigation into LexCorp in general and Lex in particular. Its a good idea to bring in a group of uniforms who are not on Lex's payroll.

Lois has been on board as far as investigating Luthor ever since All Shook Up –Matchmaker Style. His invasion of her privacy was the last straw.

Originally Posted by Morgana
She started to answer Jimmy, but also drew Clark’s attention to it, “The by-line, Clark.” She started to read aloud, “'By Lois Lane and Clark Kent.'” A note of sarcasm crept into her voice as she finished, “'Special contribution by Linda King’.” She slapped the paper back down and said, “Oh right.”

Clark was surprised at what Lois had read, “Now how did she do that?”

Jimmy looked around at the sound of the elevator doors opening. He cleared his throat to get Lois and Clark’s attention and then nodded in that direction.

When they turned to look they saw Perry and Linda in the elevator car and Linda was just pulling back from giving Perry a smooch on the cheek.

Seeing them all looking at him, Perry became embarrassed and hit the floor button for the newsroom. Linda exited as the doors closed.

Not happy about this! razz Linda always seems to be one step ahead of Lois. She even had Perry wrapped around her finger.

Linda does seem to be a go getter. Fortunately for Lois, Clark is already got, by her.

Originally Posted by Morgana
There wasn’t anything incriminating in that conversation.”

“It’s not the content of the conversation; it’s the voices.”

“What about the voices?”

“Remember when Jack stole the globe. He sold it to parties unknown. He told me that he didn’t see the faces, but they had to have spoken. I thought that maybe, if I played this for him, he’d recognize the voices.” (see Foundling – Matchmaker Style)

Yes! Perfect segue!

I got the idea for this from another one of my hobbies. I listen to ‘Old Time Radio’ on my MP3 player. I find that there are quite a few actors that I can recognize by their voice, no matter what part they are playing.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Jack looked like he was considering what he heard carefully before he answered. “Yeah, I think so. Most of the time he tried to disguise his voice, but there were times that he spoke normally. Yeah, that’s the guy that bought Superman’s globe.”

“Thanks, Jack. You’ve been a big help. I think I’m going to ask you to join me and meet with a member of the legal staff, upstairs. I need to get a sworn statement from you attesting that the voices you heard on this tape are those of the people that bought the globe. Can you do that for me?”

“Sure, Mr. K. I’d actually like to help you catch those crooks. I’m really sorry for what I did and I’d like to make it up to you and Superman.”

(Jumps up and down with glee.) Nigel, you and Lex are so busted! Jack's deposition will need to be airtight, because Luthor's legal team will do everything they can to make him look like a thief and a liar.

Toni Taylor and Miranda Michaels? Oh this is going to be good! smile1

Lois and Clark want, no – need to build an airtight case against Luthor. It is time to call in every possible witness.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
