Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by Morgana
This week has been busy, but the least I can do is make a comment or two about The Rival.

In a disappointed tone, Jimmy replied, "The paper's cut out expense accounts."

Lois was indignant, "They can't do that!"

"Just did. Memo says it's cost cutting due to lower circulation." His tone turned conspiratorial, "Perry thinks paid sick days are the next thing to go."

Expense accounts gone? How is Lois going to pay for Bobby Bigmouth's information? shock

We can only hope it is a temporary situation.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Lois reached into her bag and grabbed her camera. She turned it on and it whined at her. She checked the indicator and saw that there was no film. She muttered, "Drat!" She wasn't going to be getting any pictures of this rescue.

That's the only time I have ever read of Lois using a camera to record a story. Where's Jimmy when you need him? He would never run out of film.

In Honeymoon in Metropolis, Lois revealed that she had a camera in her taupe colored bag along with her many other tools.

Originally Posted by Morgana
As Superman flew off, Linda looked around and spotted Lois heading for the doors, presumably to call in her story. Linda started walking back to the Star, pulled out her cell phone and hit a speed dial number. When it was answered she said, "Vicki. Grab a pencil and paper …" She dictated her story. She finished with, "Tell the lab I will have a roll of film that they will need to rush. I want this story in the evening edition."

You have to admit she is resourceful!

Unfortunately, Lois didn’t think of doing the same thing.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Lois and Clark as well as the rest of the staff simply looked at each other and felt uncomfortable as Perry continued, "Oh, this is just great. I can see the next edition already. Under 'Today's Top News' we'll just print 'We haven't got a clue!' Just what in Sam Hill am I supposed to tell the Publisher if he calls?"

Vintage Perry. You gotta love him! love

Perry has always been one of my favorite characters.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
