Originally Posted by Annie B.
Nice to see that Lois didn't fall for Claude this time -- and that she's saving herself for Clark. Now she just needs to figure out that he's already head over heels for her.
That might take her a while smile

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Hmmmm. This sounds familiar. [Linked Image] Where have I heard of another man doing this to another woman (or in his case, *him* doing the running off to protect her)? [Linked Image] I never noticed that before with this line. Pure coincidence, I'm sure... but the parallels are freaky.
Yeah. Very coincidental. grin

I like this argument better than canon's, even though I love Lois's 3 Rules. This seems more appropriate.
Lois three rules are a great plot point, but I couldn't really use them in this story ... instead we get her list of three 'things' she is waiting for.

Wow, Clark, how are those size 10s of your's tasting about now? (i.e. open mouth, insert foot)
Tee Hee. Seems that both Lois and Clark let jealousy rule their mouths sometimes, and what comes out ... is not good.

Ooooh. Interesting development. Not surprising knowing what she does about Clark, but does that mean that she didn't lose Paul (and her story) to her roommate/rival Linda King, either?
Coincidentally enough ... read the next chapter.

Um... Lois? Do you WANT to convince him not to become Superman at this juncture?
LOL. The confusing way this conversation has gone ... I don't think Clark is going to take those words that seriously.

Darn! I was hoping that she didn't let him distract her from the interview with his schlock. Too bad she just didn't step away from his kiss. Ugh! How would've rejecting Lex at this juncture changed their future? Would Luthor have taken it as a personal affront? Would it have doubled his efforts?
Hmmm, interesting questions. I guess it could all depend on whether you think that Lex truly did love Lois - therefore he is seriously attracted to her already, or Miranda's perfume did something to him, therefore he was just 'using' her at this moment.

Um... if Clark was just outside her window and Lex looked up at her window, wouldn't he have seen Clark? Or was this supposed to be after Clark flew off?
The movement that Lois saw was Clark flying off. Lex didn't see anything.

Poor Clark and Lois giving him such mixed messages. What's Lois going to confess if they end up tied together at the Messenger Hangar if she didn't make a horrible mistake with Claude?
I'm pretty sure that everyone is waiting to see what I do with that particular scene...

Originally Posted by Morgana
Not having Claude in her life will make Lois a much happier person!
Oh yes.

Originally Posted by HiddenMoon
Yes, but it used to make things interesting, too. I mean, the epic battle of Clark against Lois' emotional baggage was the driving force of a good part of the series (as it is of many interesting stories here). KK has changed dramatically the scenario (ruling out Lex, too), which means she'll have to find out how to bring back the challenge in their relationship smile
Oh there's going to be a challenge, believe me. By the end of this story Clark is going to have two ideas in his head about Lois. One is right, one is wrong! But they will both affect their relationship.

Originally Posted by LMA
Wow, KK, great part clap...

And some really interesting developments--Lois not being hurt by Claude (and not really investing in any other relationships). And, the fact that Lois has not been completely intimate with anyone. BIG changes...she has a lot less emotional baggage.
She does.

Add to that the fact that she knows she's in love with Clark--and isn't fighting that like she did in the series. That's been so big, too.
Oh yes. She's still fighting, but not against falling in love. She's fighting against her instincts to 'be' with Clark, to tell him everything.

Since all these obstacles are out of the way, really looking forward to how you bring them together. And, like Virginia mentioned, really curious about the moments in the Messanger Hanger now (if that part makes it into your story wink ).
Oh it does.

Awesome job,

Originally Posted by groobie
Lois without her sexual past is a different person.
She is.

Time traveling older Lois set a lot of things in motion that changed the character of the person Lois grew up to be. Lois is over-thinking every step with Clark, convinced she knows what Original Lois would or would not have done. But she can't know that - this Lois has a completely different frame of reference than OL, not just about Clark, but about everything in life, so she's not in the same position to make that determination. Oh, the problems of time travel paradoxes!
*nods* Unfortunately Lois has not realised this, and she's still trying her best to second guess everything and to live OLs life.

Originally Posted by Lady Loisette
Another great part. I can't to read the next one. smile
It's coming soon.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."