Oh boy! Linda is in town. Personally, she is much harder to deal with than Mayson ever was!

With an almost one-ups-manship tone, Linda replied, "Haven't you heard? I'm working for the Metropolis Star." She paused to let that sink in and then threw salt into the wound as she said, "And I believe you've just been scooped."

Linda smiled a cat-got-the-canary smile as she turned away while Lois was in a fury. Linda didn't hear Lois as she muttered, "Clark Kent, you're dead meat."

Yeah, she's back in town ....

Lois got a startled look as she observed Linda King entering through the revolving door and said, "You detect the smell of a rat," she looked pointedly toward the doors, "and it just scurried in."

Linda spotted her old rival and headed in her direction. When she was in front of her, she offered her hand and said, "Hello, Lois. I thought we could get re-acquainted."

Lois crossed her arms across her chest and simply stared at her.

Lois is never going to forgive Linda for taking her man when they were in college. I honestly think Molly Flynn has a better chance of hanging out with Lois than this chick!

Clark looked over at Lois who was studiously avoiding them and hedged, "It's kind of last minute and I hate going to those things and besides, I couldn't go with you."

Clark! You are supposed to tell the walking mantrap that Lois Lane is your wife and you are unavailable! mad

She pulled her left hand up to her chest and held it lovingly with her right hand, "I never take it off. It's a part of me. It represents our love. I love it and the man that gave it to me."

Smart lady! love Which reminds me, does Lois wear a simple band or is there a modest engagement ring somewhere?

Lois hadn't as yet filled Clark in on the story about Linda, so in response to her question, he said, "Wild guess here, but there's more to this rivalry than just who's the better reporter. Right?"

Lois looked at him and said, "Don't insult me."

Clark was stunned, "I insulted you?"

She raised an eyebrow and said, "There's no question who's the better reporter."

Clark honey, step very lightly here, otherwise tonight you will be sleeping on the couch ... Linda is a vamp with a capital V and won't stop at anything to get a story. Even if it means going after a friend's man.

Carpenter noted Clark's perusal and said, "Allow me to introduce my body-guard and chauffeur, Mr. Stark."

Hello Ironman!!!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.