Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!
Originally Posted by Morgana
The weather was starting to get warmer. Spring had quickly sprung into early summer.

PLEASE! Not just in Metropolis! The East coast is in desperate need of sunshine and greenery! grovel

Landing, Clark caught the ball on the first bounce, smiled and flipped it to Bo who stood there and stared in awe at the person he now knew was the superhero. The ball fell from his hands, unheeded and he continued to stare as Clark waved, lifted off and flew away.

Don't tell me; Bo knows?

Personally I never saw that set of commercials, but – there you go. I had the encounter end a little differently.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Perry had a sour expression on his face as he said, "Uh-uh. Carpenter's got people out-hustlin' us on the streets, Lois. In the last month they scooped us on every major news story in this city. Now what am I going to lead the afternoon edition with that's gonna change that?

Perry acknowledged Clark's raised hand, " Secretary Wallace is in town to sign that nuclear arms treaty with Omir. Lois and I are waiting to hear on a one-on-one."

Sarcasm was dripping from Lois's voice as she said, "I can see them lining up at the news stands for that."

Perry pegged Lois with his eyes and asked, "You got something better?"

Lois really didn't have anything, but she floated a possibility anyhow, "Police charity scams?"

No one, not even Perry reacted with any enthusiasm.

Indignant at this response, Lois became defensive, "At least it's local."

There are other reporters on the Planet besides The Kents.

Yes, but the series is about them. They have to take center stage.

Originally Posted by Morgana
He was interrupted by Jack's shout, "Hotel fire!"

Perry, thinking that he was simply offering a suggestion and not reporting a current event said, "That'll do."

See? Even though he's not a reporter, it sure is nice to hear other voices like: Diane, Pete, Eduardo, Applegate, Ralph .... Let me rephrase that EVERYONE, but Ralph. Anyhow, you get my point. It ain't called a bullpen for nothin'! rotflol

Anyhow, just a thought.

I am trying to showcase other individuals such as in the upcoming “Fly Hard” as you are very well aware. Thanks for the loan!

Originally Posted by Morgana
Clark felt trapped. He wanted to be giving the story to Lois for the Planet, but couldn't see any way to avoid talking to Linda, "The smoke was very intense. Visibility to the human eye was probably zero. Let's just be glad that woman held on long enough for me to reach her. She's a mother with three kids. And, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go."

Oops .... blush

I can see Linda giving Superman a look that Lois would kill her for if she saw it. Linda is trouble with a capital T!

The interpersonal relationships are different in this series. Hang on to your hat with this one.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
