blush I just finally finished this today. peep That tells you how behind I am with my reading.

Once again, Nan has written a great story. This one mish-mashes both her A-Plot and B-Plot. Lois on the cusp of realizing her feelings for Clark when she wakes up married to Luthor! [Linked Image] No wonder she doesn't want to believe any of that was real at the end. I felt that it was paced really good until the end, when suddenly everything is solved within one chapter (or what felt like one chapter). Finding Lois Luthor, discovering that the man following her is Tempus (Temper), and that Clark has an allergy to green glowing rocks happened almost all at once, then suddenly she's home. I would have liked to have Lois, Lois, and Clark work together for more than a couple of hours, before having everything solved for them by the time-travel cops. The ending almost felt too pat or hurried.

I did wonder at the end when Lois discovers her bandaged ankle. It was almost as if someone erased her memories, because she stared at the bandage, got a tingling feeling in her head, and then decided to go off to bed as if nothing was wrong. Did someone take away her discovery from her mind?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.