The interplay between Cat and Jimmy was perfection!

The next morning at the Planet, Lois was in a grumpy mood and Clark looked just plain tired. Lois had grabbed a croissant in the coffee area along with a mug of newsroom coffee and Clark had a donut along with a mug of newsroom coffee. Lois was out of sorts because she hadn't had one of Clark's fabulous breakfasts, nor did she have her travel mug with his special brew. The reason for this explained Clark's tiredness. She had overslept and he had been out all night searching Luthor owned facilities for the globe and had returned only in time to leave for the Planet with Lois. He was almost bleary eyed as he perused the map that they had prepared the day before. Looking at it, it was apparent that he had been very busy because there were many blocks that were ‘x'd out.

Seeing which way the wind was blowing, to avoid Lois for fear of being on the receiving end of her wrath, Cat and Jimmy were huddled at Cat's desk, again perusing charts of their family trees. As time had progressed, more and more entries had been made and the sheets were almost completely covered at this point.

Suddenly, Jimmy exclaimed, "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! See here, your mother's half-sister, Elena by your grandfather's second marriage -- married, for her third marriage, a man named Stanley Nugent."

Your additional dialogue makes this exchange that much more enjoyable. Cat was clearly upset and Jimmy was totally in love. Talk about your office romances! rotflol

In a matter-of-fact way, Perry answered, "No. For one thing, any connection I made would probably be vague and not particularly useful. For another, if I did that it would seem like I cared more about telling my story than helping you with your problem. What's goin' on, Darlin? Is it related to what we discussed yesterday?"

"Yeah, Perry. This thing is a lot more difficult than we thought it would be. Clark was gone most of the night following up on leads. I missed him being in bed with me. I hope we can resolve this thing quickly so that we can get back to normal."

I was wondering how you were going to work on this segment of the episode which was about trust. Now Lois adamantly tells Perry she trusts Clark, yet fears the investigation will put a strain on their marriage. Neatly done!

The discussion between Jack and Clark is another example of what kind of person Clark is. If he had been found by someone without a heart who knows how he might have turned out.

So now on to the next part.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.