Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by Morgana
Now everything begins to come together! dance

As Clark released his grip on Jack, he asked, "What's your name?"


"Just Jack?"

"Yeah, just Jack." He looked at Clark again and asked, "Is the globe yours?"

"I've been keeping it … for a friend."

Jack asked, "How does it work? Who's the guy with Superman's 'S' on his shirt?"

I don't care what anybody says, Jack was a smart cookie and probably put two and two together and came up with Superman.

Yeah, he knew that the globe belonged to Superman, but accepted the explanation that Clark was holding it for a friend.

Originally Posted by Morgana
"Something interesting … he said that he could see the hologram, but he didn't hear anything."

Lois sighed with relief, "Thank heaven for small favors. At least he didn't hear Jor-El. Which doesn't change anything. What if someone else will hear it? You've got to get the globe back before it gives up any more information about your past."

In the episode Lex and Nigel were able to see and hear Jor-El they even mentioned it was better than cable. So this has to be something you came up with.

In the episode and script the statement was made that the globe had become attuned to Clark. The assumption is that it was sensing a Kryptonian human. Since Lois’s body is being transformed and becoming Kryptonian it attuned to her as well. Since Lex, Nigel and Jack are all Earth human in this scenario the globe did not attune itself to them. The holographic projection would be visible to all, but the commentary would not. Since Jor-El didn’t have time to program the globe for English the transmission had to be telepathic. We know that Kryptonians communicated in that fashion from later episodes. Telepathic communication would not require translation. That being the case, Lex and Nigel can look on, but not hear anything. By the same token, since it is telepathic Lois and Clark can hear it even if they are not looking at it as was demonstrated in the episode when Clark was able to hear it even when Luthor had possewsion.

Originally Posted by Morgana
"Lois, that's a pretty tall order. You're talking over a hundred floors."

"I would think that you could concentrate on his office and quarters, maybe the floors immediately below. I don't think he's going to allow it too far from his person."

"At this point he's had probably twelve hours or so to hide it."

"Any lead lined enclosures would, of course, be suspect," Lois offered.

"Lois, I can't just go barging in there and ripping open lead lined safes. That would require the police and a search warrant. In order to get that we would need probable cause. Now, if Jack would identify Luthor as the person that bought it, that would be probable cause, but he won't. He claimed he doesn't know who it was."

"I'm going to head on in to the office, you my dear husband, need to go look over Luthor's lair. I'll meet you at the Planet. If you spot the globe, you need to recover it, no matter what. If Luthor tries to have you arrested, he'll have to prove that the globe is his and not yours, which will be impossible for him to do."

This exchange is perfection! clap They work so well together as a team, solving a very big mystery!

Thank you, obviously this was not in the script.

Originally Posted by Morgana
"I know, Perry, but if we can get the goods on him, it will blow the lid off of the rackets in Metropolis, but good. We could be talking Pulitzer here."

Perry sat back in his chair, stunned. He started to smile and said, "That big, huh?"

"Yeah, that big."

"If you and that husband of yours can pull this off, it'll be the coup of the century."

Good exchange between Lois and Perry!

Again, thanks. This also is original.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
