“Stop being so nice. You’re just too nice. Stop it.” Lois turned away and stalked off.
The lady doth protest too much! Give up already Lois, it's too late. Your heart has already been stolen. grin
Lex stopped as his gaze passed her. His eyes tightened slightly as he looked at the man sat next to her. She turned and looked at Clark. There was a strained history between the two of them.
The thing I loved the most about "Smallville" from the beginning was the dynamic between Lex and Clark. The backstory that they were friends who turned into frienemies, and then finally into enemies - that was an interesting and unique choice to make. And I really think the writers could have done more with it in the first few seasons - they could have made them even closer friends, making the sense of betrayal by each other wound that much more. (I didn't like the storyline with Lex suddenly wanting Lana...it didn't ring true to Lex's character at all, but I digress.)

Good thing Chloe is trustworthy - she just got the keys to the kingdom!

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink