What a wonderful story!

Barry's has a point. One year alive and he's wiser than a Kryptonian with almost 3 decades on him.
My thoughts exactly!

I dunno about the Barry and Lois thing, though... It kind of has Luke and Leia vibes to it. After all, they have the same father. wink (Kidding! Actually, I think it's a brilliant pairing.)

If I were to quote my favourite passages in this part, I'd just be copying and pasting the entire part. So instead I'll just say, "BRAVA!" You did an exceptionally good job at providing verbal visuals. Your descriptions enabled me both to picture what was happening and how the characters were feeling, and they did so without slowing the story down. You also captured to perfection each character's voice.

I know you are giving a prize of a story to whoever gets the most points on the quizzes... I would say that that makes *all* of us winners. smile
