Originally Posted by Mike M
It is hard to comprehend NOT enjoying this story. The interaction between the characters is outstanding, you play the nuances extremely well and cover the essential details without getting too detailed. Sometimes an extremely difficult job.

I am really looking forward to how you wrap this one up. There are many possibilities. I mean Bernie's analysis was that they could not have children so who is to say his analysis of the effect of Oliver's powers on his disability is completely accurate as well. Human/Kryptonian blends are a completely uncharted territory.

Since they are going to take him to Smallville for the summer to work on controlling his powers I will bring this up. I just hope Jonathan has learned his lesson about "dissect you like a frog" admonitions and does not use it on Oliver. He is such a sweet open kid, I would hate so see him lose those qualities. There really should be a better way to emphasize to a kid the importance of keeping the secret without scaring them and even scarring them for life.

Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you like the interactions between the characters and the level of detail.

No worries. Jonathan isn't going to freak his 6-year-old grandson out with comments like that.

I hope you like the final part.

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"