Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
I don't understand what are the visions Clark is having. I know they are canon events, but this is another reality, where things developed differently. So why is he having these visions? Where they come from? confused
In chapter 10 Clark received the 3 stones/crystal from Tess Mercer. He fell asleep with this in his pocket later in the same chapter, while wishing/hoping/dreaming to know what his life would have been like if he'd got his powers when he was supposed to. The crystal gave him these memories - ie, cannon, and they pop out at random moments, when something similar happens to him. Something like this happened to Clark in the Season 7 episode Apocolypse when Clark thought that the world would be better off without him while holding onto the fortress octagonal key.

Come on, Lois, the truth is staring you in the face! tired

Of course it is. And she will see it ... eventually.

Originally Posted by groobie
Well, you definitely threw a bunch of different story lines into this part...no wonder it's called the season 1 finale. smile
Yup - advancing the plot in many ways grin

Lois can't love Clark yet...lust, yes, but she doesn't know him well enough yet to love him. (Lust is a good start, though. devil)
Well, she's been in lust with his backside since she first saw it!

Still surprised that Oliver is taking Chloe's presence so well and has now brought her into the gang by enlisting her help. That would take real trust.
I'm not into writing long epics (at least Epic from this boards point of view - I class this story as MY epic), so I didn't waste any time on this subplot. Ollie could have spent time getting to know Chloe, he could have had her investigated in the few days that have past ... etc, but I just didn't go into it.

Is the bald guy supposed to be Lex? I know he came back for the season finale, but I don't know what happened to his storyline after Michael Rosenbaum left the show. (And, actually, I didn't pay much attention to season 7 either.)
You'll find out/be more sure of your prediction pretty soon. Just to get you up to speed on Lex, though. He disappeared into the collapsing fortress at the end of season 7 and that's pretty much the timeframe where this story started - Lex had gone missing in the Artic. In the show it never realy says what happened to him at that point, but as he does show up in the season 10 finale - and has minor 'references' before that, he must have escaped somehow, and he was extremely injured. That's not what has happened here. Lex disappeared in the Artic, but there was NO fortress at the time, Clark has only just made it. But - there are hints in earlier chapters - about where the fortress stones have come from to make their way into Clark's hands. So, who do you think had the stones originally, and what did he try to do with them, and what did a 'diembodied voice' explain about an unworthy man?

It will all get explained, eventually.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."