She was royalty in her home nation. She wasn't nervous at all. She wouldn't allow herself to be nervous.

The door opened to reveal the two terrifying teenagers and she got nervous all over again.

This made me laugh. Teenagers can indeed be terrifying, especially when you meet them on their turf.

“Okay. Will you sit next to me? I’ll tell you what’s good and what’s icky.”

“Icky? Your father is an excellent chef, Ellie. What might he prepare that would be icky?”

Ellie leaned in and whispered, “Daddy’s cooking veggies tonight!”

I laughed at this one, too. Little kids can be very direct.

She dropped her spoon to the table in surprise and Marta nearly burst into tears. “I knew you wouldn't like it! I knew it!”

Marta's more eager to please than she realizes.

Her father padded over softly and tried to take the girl from Diana’s lap, but Ellie moaned, “No! Mommy D put me to bed.”

Ellie's gotten attached fast. Of course, she never knew Lois.

But somewhere – maybe during dessert or maybe as Diana had read to her – little four-year-old Ellie had wrecked those plans with a few simple words and a request for Diana to put the child to bed. Now Diana could not only contemplate being a mother, she suddenly wanted to be this little one’s mother. And if that meant dealing with an occasionally bratty teenaged girl and an older brother who was all but grown himself, then she’d take on that responsibility most willingly.

Assuming, of course, that Clark would also think it was a good idea.

Hmm ... if anyone could handle this family, besides Lois, it would be Wonder Woman.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland